Monday, October 10, 2011


1985’s Gotcha stars Anthony Edwards (Top Gun, Revenge of the Nerds, Fast Times at Ridgemont High)is Jonathan, a quick witted, LA  college student , but innocent in the game of love.  He has the best hair ever and his  biggest past time is a game called Gotcha, a club where he and other members play an assassination game against each other with paintball guns.
Jsu Garcia (Nightmare on Elm Street) is Manolo, the ladies man who knows how to have a good time. They are best friends and travel to Europe during a break in classes. Beginning in Paris, France, the two young men start their European adventure. However, unlucky at love Jonathan suddenly breaks his streak when he falls for the beautiful but mysterious Sasha Banechek, Linda Fiorentino (Vision Quest).  Suddenly, Jonathan no longer needs Manolo and the two part company, bogus. Jonathan totally follows Sasha blindly, and starts the most radical adventure of his life.
It’s not long before Jonathan is in trouble-duh. The fine Check Sasha plays him like a Rubik’s Cube earning his trust before shattering him like fine Prague crystal. She drags him through Berlin with a mysterious message of “meet me at Café Friedrichstrasse,” as his only warning to get out of dodge.
Great 80’s songs such as Nick Kershaw’s Wouldn’t it Be Good, Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s Relax and  Two Tribes, Bronski Beat’s Small Town Boy and of course the theme song Gotcha play throughout providing choice music.
There is some fine 80’s memorabilia and vintage products. TWA jet at the airport, main characters sport awesome Vaurnet sunglasses, almost everyone wears preppy sweaters all the time. The Berlin contrast to Paris classically in a Cold War Spy vs. Spy kind of way.
I’ve seen this movie four times and related well to Edward’s character. The first time I saw it was right after I got out of the Army and moved away from Germany. My first thoughts after seeing it were, “that’s me”. I spend three years stationed in Germany. Every weekend I was on a train travelling Europe and experiencing some pretty fascinating times including having guns pulled on in a case of mistaken identity in Monte Carlo, hearing a murder confession in a Vienna Jazz club, attending an ambassador aids’ party, and enjoying the company of German royalty.
Gotcha has some very funny scenes. My favorites included the Pernod exchange, the first meeting between Jonathan and Sasha, when Jonathan crosses the border back to West Berlin,  when he sees his first Burger King since the spy experience and the trip with the punk band.

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